Tuesday 25 October 2011

Darrell Hammond's Journey...

When I watch someone play certain roles or see them do a little improv, I feel like I get to know the person a little. Not in a weird voyeuristic way, I just start to assume some of the similarities across the characters are the actual actors traits. Not a great assumption, but one I make. Such is the case with Darrell Hammond. I watched Darrell on SNL for years. Frankly I was not a huge fan, but every once in a while he had some good material. He seemed comfortable and often could not completely stay in character when something was really funny. I assumed he was an easy-going person with a comfortable life and a job the was easy for him to do...

I clicked on this link not thinking too much about the title, just interested more in the whole curiosity of what he was doing with his life now. Talk about a shocker. I originally thought he was in character with the eyes darting and leaps in thoughts. But when I wrapped my head around it, I was floored. I just kept thinking "How do you get up the courage to be on SNL for over a decade when you have this personality?" He mentions medications in the short clip, but still...


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